Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Kapowai te maunga
Ko Waikare te awa
Ko Nga Puhi te iwi
Ko Te Kapotai te hapu
Ko Waikare te marae
Ko Craig taku hoa rangitira
Toku toru nga tamariki ko Caleb, ko Zakk, ko Jesse
Ko Rahera Tuwhini (Rachel Stephenson) taku ingoa
Kei roto Kirikiriroa e noho ana au inaianei
An experienced chair and director and a member of the institute of directors. Rachel is the Current chair of Yellow Brick Road, Treasurer of NZ Harlequins Rugby Club, Trustee for Community Living Trust and director of Community Living limited.
Rachel has held previous governance roles with Access Ability Trust, Imagine Better limited, Voice Advocacy Trust, Life unlimited merger committee, Platform Plus Limited, Encroysis New Zealand limited, Manawanui electoral college and Canteen.
Rachel is a Registered Comprehensive Nurse with over 30 years experience in the Mental Health, Addictions and Disability Sectors and over 15 years experience in managing and leading Health Safety and Wellbeing, Risk and Quality Management Systems.
Rachel holds a post graduate certificate in Management Studies and is passionate about workforce development, education and wellbeing. Rachel is an experienced facilitator and educator who currently delivers Pyschological first aid and a range or Mental Health training across New Zealand for NZ Red Cross and LifeKeepers.