Kāinga Rua

"Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua."
"When one door closes another will open"

KFST Kāinga Rua is a papakainga where support for whānau residents of Kirikiriroa and who are kāinga kore (homeless) and rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty).The service walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are confronted with challenges that significantly impact their health, social, education, economic and housing outcomes. Kāinga Rua is a whānau centered service that focuses on providing the support and tools for tamariki and their whānau to realize and unleash their potential for kāinga ora - well whānau.

Through our staged approach whānau will develop a plan and work with our kaimahi to meet those goals. The whānau plan will be used to identify whānau aspirations and subsequent actions. The delivery model will work alongside the whānau plan to support successful outcomes. ­Whānau are supported to move from kāinga kore and rawakore to:

  • living in a safe, healthy and secure home in the community;
  • connecting with whānau, hapū and iwi;
  • becoming financially stable;
  • significantly reducing the challenges and barriers they are facing;
  • increasing confidence in their decision making; working towards new goals and aspirations; and
  • be able to retain tenancy having built the supports and accessed resources to stay housed

Kāinga Rua

"Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua."
"When one door closes another will open"

KFST Kāinga Rua is a papakainga where support for whānau residents of Kirikiriroa and who are kāinga kore (homeless) and rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty).The service walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are confronted with challenges that significantly impact their health, social, education, economic and housing outcomes. Kāinga Rua is a whānau centered service that focuses on providing the support and tools for tamariki and their whānau to realize and unleash their potential for kāinga ora - well whānau.

Through our staged approach whānau will develop a plan and work with our kaimahi to meet those goals. The whānau plan will be used to identify whānau aspirations and subsequent actions. The delivery model will work alongside the whānau plan to support successful outcomes. ­Whānau are supported to move from kāinga kore and rawakore to:

  • living in a safe, healthy and secure home in the community;
  • connecting with whānau, hapū and iwi;
  • becoming financially stable;
  • significantly reducing the challenges and barriers they are facing;
  • increasing confidence in their decision making; working towards new goals and aspirations; and
  • be able to retain tenancy having built the supports and accessed resources to stay housed

Kāinga Rua

"Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua."
"When one door closes another will open"

KFST Kāinga Rua is a papakainga where support for whānau residents of Kirikiriroa and who are kāinga kore (homeless) and rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty).The service walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are confronted with challenges that significantly impact their health, social, education, economic and housing outcomes. Kāinga Rua is a whānau centered service that focuses on providing the support and tools for tamariki and their whānau to realize and unleash their potential for kāinga ora - well whānau.

Through our staged approach whānau will develop a plan and work with our kaimahi to meet those goals. The whānau plan will be used to identify whānau aspirations and subsequent actions. The delivery model will work alongside the whānau plan to support successful outcomes. ­Whānau are supported to move from kāinga kore and rawakore to:

  • living in a safe, healthy and secure home in the community;
  • connecting with whānau, hapū and iwi;
  • becoming financially stable;
  • significantly reducing the challenges and barriers they are facing;
  • increasing confidence in their decision making; working towards new goals and aspirations; and
  • be able to retain tenancy having built the supports and accessed resources to stay housed

Kāinga Rua

"Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua."
"When one door closes another will open"

KFST Kāinga Rua is a papakainga where support for whānau residents of Kirikiriroa and who are kāinga kore (homeless) and rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty).The service walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are confronted with challenges that significantly impact their health, social, education, economic and housing outcomes. Kāinga Rua is a whānau centered service that focuses on providing the support and tools for tamariki and their whānau to realize and unleash their potential for kāinga ora - well whānau.

Through our staged approach whānau will develop a plan and work with our kaimahi to meet those goals. The whānau plan will be used to identify whānau aspirations and subsequent actions. The delivery model will work alongside the whānau plan to support successful outcomes. ­Whānau are supported to move from kāinga kore and rawakore to:

  • living in a safe, healthy and secure home in the community;
  • connecting with whānau, hapū and iwi;
  • becoming financially stable;
  • significantly reducing the challenges and barriers they are facing;
  • increasing confidence in their decision making; working towards new goals and aspirations; and
  • be able to retain tenancy having built the supports and accessed resources to stay housed

Kāinga Rua

"Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua."
"When one door closes another will open"

KFST Kāinga Rua is a papakainga where support for whānau residents of Kirikiriroa and who are kāinga kore (homeless) and rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty).The service walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are confronted with challenges that significantly impact their health, social, education, economic and housing outcomes. Kāinga Rua is a whānau centered service that focuses on providing the support and tools for tamariki and their whānau to realize and unleash their potential for kāinga ora - well whānau.

Through our staged approach whānau will develop a plan and work with our kaimahi to meet those goals. The whānau plan will be used to identify whānau aspirations and subsequent actions. The delivery model will work alongside the whānau plan to support successful outcomes. ­Whānau are supported to move from kāinga kore and rawakore to:

  • living in a safe, healthy and secure home in the community;
  • connecting with whānau, hapū and iwi;
  • becoming financially stable;
  • significantly reducing the challenges and barriers they are facing;
  • increasing confidence in their decision making; working towards new goals and aspirations; and
  • be able to retain tenancy having built the supports and accessed resources to stay housed

Kāinga Rua

"Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua."
"When one door closes another will open"

KFST Kāinga Rua is a papakainga where support for whānau residents of Kirikiriroa and who are kāinga kore (homeless) and rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty).The service walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are confronted with challenges that significantly impact their health, social, education, economic and housing outcomes. Kāinga Rua is a whānau centered service that focuses on providing the support and tools for tamariki and their whānau to realize and unleash their potential for kāinga ora - well whānau.

Through our staged approach whānau will develop a plan and work with our kaimahi to meet those goals. The whānau plan will be used to identify whānau aspirations and subsequent actions. The delivery model will work alongside the whānau plan to support successful outcomes. ­Whānau are supported to move from kāinga kore and rawakore to:

  • living in a safe, healthy and secure home in the community;
  • connecting with whānau, hapū and iwi;
  • becoming financially stable;
  • significantly reducing the challenges and barriers they are facing;
  • increasing confidence in their decision making; working towards new goals and aspirations; and
  • be able to retain tenancy having built the supports and accessed resources to stay housed
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Kāinga Rua - Availability

We have a shared whare which consists of 7 rooms (all with lockable doors)

Shared bathrooms, lounge, laundry & shared communal kitchen.


  • Maori
  • Wahine with 1 or 2 tamariki under the age of 5

You will be supported and provided with:

  • A Rental Reference
  • Wrap around services
  • Internet
  • Food
  • Warmth
  • Community connection
  • Washing lines
  • Play ground
  • Safety for children

Kāinga Rua - Availability

We have a shared whare which consists of 7 rooms (all with lockable doors)

Shared bathrooms, lounge, laundry & shared communal kitchen.


  • Maori
  • Wahine with 1 or 2 tamariki under the age of 5

You will be supported and provided with:

  • A Rental Reference
  • Wrap around services
  • Internet
  • Food
  • Warmth
  • Community connection
  • Washing lines
  • Play ground
  • Safety for children

Kāinga Rua - Availability

We have a shared whare which consists of 7 rooms (all with lockable doors)

Shared bathrooms, lounge, laundry & shared communal kitchen.


  • Maori
  • Wahine with 1 or 2 tamariki under the age of 5

You will be supported and provided with:

  • A Rental Reference
  • Wrap around services
  • Internet
  • Food
  • Warmth
  • Community connection
  • Washing lines
  • Play ground
  • Safety for children

Kāinga Rua - Availability

We have a shared whare which consists of 7 rooms (all with lockable doors)

Shared bathrooms, lounge, laundry & shared communal kitchen.


  • Maori
  • Wahine with 1 or 2 tamariki under the age of 5

You will be supported and provided with:

  • A Rental Reference
  • Wrap around services
  • Internet
  • Food
  • Warmth
  • Community connection
  • Washing lines
  • Play ground
  • Safety for children

Kāinga Rua - Availability

We have a shared whare which consists of 7 rooms (all with lockable doors)

Shared bathrooms, lounge, laundry & shared communal kitchen.


  • Maori
  • Wahine with 1 or 2 tamariki under the age of 5

You will be supported and provided with:

  • A Rental Reference
  • Wrap around services
  • Internet
  • Food
  • Warmth
  • Community connection
  • Washing lines
  • Play ground
  • Safety for children

Kāinga Rua - Availability

We have a shared whare which consists of 7 rooms (all with lockable doors)

Shared bathrooms, lounge, laundry & shared communal kitchen.


  • Maori
  • Wahine with 1 or 2 tamariki under the age of 5

You will be supported and provided with:

  • A Rental Reference
  • Wrap around services
  • Internet
  • Food
  • Warmth
  • Community connection
  • Washing lines
  • Play ground
  • Safety for children
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